Undercover Boss : University of California, Riverside (02x22)
Undercover Boss : University of California, Riverside (02x22)
Summary : Next: 2x22 -- University of California, Riverside (May/01/2011)
Tim White, the Chancellor of the University of California, Riverside, is put to the test when his role as a teaching assistant is graded by more than 200 organic chemistry students. Later, his physical aptitude is under exam while working alongside the track team.
Prev: 2x21 -- BrightStar (Apr/17/2011) Shelly Sun, the co-founder and CEO of BrightStar Care, one of the nation's fastest-growing providers of private healthcare, travels to the frontlines of her company, where she becomes overwhelmed while assisting a caregiver who's overseeing four toddlers. Also, when the boss' husband, her co-founding partner, joins her undercover, he discovers the game of Bingo is nothing to play around with.
Water for Elephants
This series will be aired on Sunday, May 1st 2011 at 09.00 PM on CBS
Labels: Riverside (02x22), Undercover Boss : University of California